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First Citizenship Ceremony on Indian land

Submitted by on June 10, 2011 – 11:36 amNo Comment | 3,078 views

On Saturday, June 25, the Musqueam Indian Band, with Citizenship and Immigration Canada, will be holding a historic citizenship awards ceremony at the Musqueam Cultural Pavilion, located in the Musqueam Indian community situated on traditional Musqueam Indian Band lands.

“From my knowledge, it’s the first time one (a Canadian citizenship awards ceremony) will be held on reserve lands in B.C. — and maybe even right across Canada,” said Wade Grant, Musqueam Indian Band councillor and business operations co-ordinator. “I’ve been told it’s never happened before.”

With the help of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, a national non-profit organization that aids in arranging citizenship awards ceremonies and helping new Canadian citizens become acclimated to life in Canada, the Musqueam Indian Band hopes to “reach out” to new immigrants.
Source: VancouverObserver
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