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Fanshawe to support Syrian refugee families with free tuition

Submitted by on August 24, 2017 – 9:18 amNo Comment | 1,719 views

Fanshawe College today announced plans to join the City of London’s response to the Syrian crisis by assisting Syrian families who settle in the City. Fanshawe will offer free tuition to support 10 Syrian refugees who will study at the College.

“Access to high quality education has a transformative and stabilizing influence on people’s lives,” said Fanshawe’s President Peter Devlin. “As an institution committed to providing pathways to success, Fanshawe looks forward to the opportunity to help empower these people as they rebuild their lives in London. Whether they are embarking on a first career or retraining for the Canadian marketplace, we’ll be here to help.”

“This is fantastic news and it demonstrates continued momentum,” said Mayor Matt Brown. “We all know that education and training are key to supporting families as they re-settle here in London and prepare to enter the Canadian workforce.”

Source: Fanshawe, 2015 Full Article

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