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Diversity Symposium by The City of Richmond: Our City Our Community: Building Community, Facilitating Intercultural Neighbourhoods

Submitted by on January 15, 2015 – 8:24 amNo Comment | 2,122 views

On January 30, 2015 The City of Richmond will host its first diversity symposium that will bring diverse community stakeholders to learn and share promising diversity and inclusion practices in making the City “the most appealing, liveable and well-managed community in Canada”.

The Symposium Objectives:

  • Inform municipal staff and staff of partner organizations of best and emerging practices in the are of community and neighbourhood building in an intercultural environment
  • Share information and resources and facilitate discussion between municipal and partner staff involved in diversity and social inclusion work, particularly as it related to community building
  • Explore and facilitate shared actions and agendas between different levels of government and across municipalities in relation to neighbourhood and community building

Paula Carr, an internationally-renowened intercultural strategist will be a keynote speaker and share her experiences in building intercultural community in Vancouver-Renfrew.

Diversity Clues team composed of Michael Yue and Olga Shcherbyna will present a workshop on Intercultural Competencies.

For more information, please contact Alan Hill ahill@richmond.ca

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