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Diversity Strategies at TELUS – Learn from the leaders series

Submitted by on May 30, 2013 – 6:41 pmNo Comment | 6,755 views

image003Where: BC HRMA’s Boardroom, 1111 W. Hastings St. Vancouver
When: Thursday, June 6 2013
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm

Please note the building is not accessible after 6pm.

Presenter’s Bio
Fiona Easton is the Manager of Diversity & Inclusiveness at TELUS, responsible for facilitating the delivery of TELUS’ diversity and inclusiveness strategy, with a particular focus on supporting and achieving its objectives by continuing to build relationships and lasting connections with our customers, our communities and partners. Fiona works collaboratively with leaders and team members to embrace a culture of diversity and inclusiveness in all areas of TELUS, reporting on TELUS’ progress as an employer and service provider of choice for all, and enabling the TELUS culture and workplace practices to support and encourage the diversity of thought, as it contributes to a progressive organization which is respectful and inclusive.

Presentation Overview
Diversity & Inclusiveness is a vital component to a successful organizations cultural brand. This presentation will highlight the value of a diverse and inclusive culture, showcase how you can include, inform and inspire your employees and identify ways to measure your success within your own organization.

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