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Diversity in numbers – Canada’s leadership

Submitted by on February 7, 2013 – 3:09 pmNo Comment | 2,081 views

Did you know?

While 50% of BC’s population is females and 28% are ethnic minorities

Only 34% of females and 10% of representatives of ethnic minorities groups were appointed for public posts.

Out of 14 BC’s Boards (Bc Hydro, BC Ferries, etc.) reviewed, in only three (3) women represented up to 50% of the board with the rest having less than 30% of their boards represented by women.

Out of 40 Ontario’s recent board appointements, only 15 (less than 35%) were women and five (12%) were from visible minorities

Out of eight (8) reviewed Alberta’s boards, the vast majority were comprised of less than 25% women and many had NO ONE representative of visible minority groups.

Source: Vancouver Sun

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