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DIVERSITY DIALOGUE Conference in Richmond on May 9 2013

Submitted by on May 8, 2013 – 8:35 amNo Comment | 20,689 views

Join Richmond Multicultural Community Services (RMCS) for their annual Diversity Dialogue Conference. This year they will be exploring the theme of migration. Hear guest speakers share their personal stories of migration and belonging. Come together with community organizations, local businesses, residents, immigrants, youth, and newcomers to discuss how we can make Richmond a more welcoming community for people who make this place their home.

About RMCS

Richmond Multicultural Community Services (RMCS) was originally founded as the Richmond Multicultural Concerns Society in 1985. RMCS was established as an advocacy group to support newcomers facing barriers and challenges in settling in Richmond, as well as facing discrimination and racism.

Today, RMCS provides a variety of services to immigrant and refugee communities in Richmond. RMCS plays an important role in the settlement, education, and integration of immigrants from the day they arrive in Richmond. We strive to welcome newcomers by assisting with their initial settlement needs such as language development, job search skills and networking skills within the community

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