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Community of Practice Event – April 30, 2013 – Vancouver, BC by the Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion

Submitted by on April 24, 2013 – 5:58 amNo Comment | 1,614 views

Part of the CIDI mandate is to bring together Diversity and Inclusion practitioners, and other interested stakeholders to share, networking and learn. These events are held quarterly in 5 major cities across Canada.

Schedule: Tuesday April 30, 2013 – 7:30AM to 10:00AM
Location: Metropolitan Hotel Vancouver 645 Howe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2Y9

CIDI Presenters and Facilitators: Michael Bach and Cathy Gallagher-Louisy.

7:30AM Registration, Networking and Breakfast: a continental breakfast will be served, along with hot and cold beverages.
8:00AM Presentation: The CIDI will present their first report “Measurement for Success: Leading Practices in Measuring Diversity and Inclusion in Canada’s Workplaces”.
8:30AM Brainstorming and Issue Identification: Lead by the CIDI leadership team, the group will break into smaller groups for a discussion about the most pressing issues around diversity and inclusion in today’s workplaces.
9:00AM Networking Break
9:15AM Debrief and Report Out: The entire group will engage in a discussion about their findings.
9:45AM Wrap up
10:00AM Session Ends.


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