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City of Vancouver launches mentoring for immigrants project

Submitted by on January 17, 2011 – 9:29 pmNo Comment | 2,034 views

The City of Vancouver launches the first of its kind Mentoring project for immigrants in public sector in Western Canada. 12-18 immigrants will be matched with city’s employees over the course of four months. The pilot project is a partnership between Immigrant Employment Council of BC, City of Vancouver and three immigrant serving agencies in Metro Vancouver: SUCCESS, ISS of BC and MOSAIC.

Mentors from IT, Engineering and Finance, Accounting Department will spent on average 16 hours with internationally trained mentees. Having meaningful mentorships relations are proved to greatly assist internationally trained professionals in their job search processes in Canada. The City of Toronto piloted its mentorship project in 2003 with 25 mentee participants whereby 80% of them found jobs in six months. The project expanded over the years and City of Toronto became a champion in the Mentoring Partnership that was launched by a multistakeholder group TRIEC. In 2009 close to 100 immigrants were matched with City of Toronto’s employees.


More about City of Vancouver Mentoring Project


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