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Inclusive Cities Series: Halifax Fusion – Immigration and Diversity

Submitted by on May 2, 2013 – 6:20 amNo Comment | 2,777 views

A great city is one that attracts people from all walks of life, fostering a dynamic culture that is welcoming and one that encourages people to get engaged in the community in the long-term. The Immigration & Diversity Action Team works with a network of organizations and individuals who are passionate about promoting cross-cultural learning opportunities and networking for all Haligonians, shaping Halifax as a place of opportunity for everyone who chooses this fine city as their home.

Action Team Accomplishments in 2012

I Heart Culture: Halifax – An interactive and creative community-focused evening held during the nation-wide Culture Days
Diversity Photo Contest: Express Yourself. Do it, Do. – We asked Haligonians to give us a snapshot (literally) of what diversity in this city looks like through their eyes
“Let’s Talk Photography” Information Sessions – Two free intro to photography workshops facilitated by professional photographers to inspire community members to “get snapping”
2013 Diversity Calendars
Creative Networking: “Who’s Who?” – A virtual space that promotes networking events, and immigration and diversity discussion in Halifax

Learn more about Halifax building inclusive community

Source: Halifax Fusion – Immigration and Diversity

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