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Canadian Doctors Guide to Treat Immigrants

Submitted by on August 1, 2011 – 9:22 pmNo Comment | 2,027 views

The Canadian Medical Association Journal last month published the first Canadian guidelines to immigrant and refugee health. The guide is a detailed resource for health care providers serving immigrant patients.

The guide has been developed over the last six years by the Candian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health with input from over 150 doctors, nurses and other stakeholders. The guide covers topics from what to look for, when to screen, when not to screen, what risk factors are relevant and more.

“Immigrant and refugee health needs may differ significantly from those of Canadian-born people as they may have been exposed to different diseases, environment and living conditions as well as genetic factors.
The guidelines, based on evidence from around the world, are focused on helping primary care physicians provide for the often complex health needs of immigrants and refugees. Created by the Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health, the project involved more than 150 investigators, including 43 family doctors, 34 researchers, staff and nurse practitioners as well as other authors.”

Source: Science Daily, Read Full Article

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