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BC HRMA Diversity Roundtable: Learning from Local Employers: Diversity Award, Community Resources, Inclusive HR Practices

Submitted by on January 28, 2013 – 3:01 pmNo Comment | 2,275 views

When: Thursday, February 7, 2013 @ 5:30pm – 7:15pm
Where: BC HRMA’s office, 1111 W. Pender St.
Register: BC HRMA’s website

DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society is a non-profit organization based in Surrey, offering services to new Canadians to help them settle and integrate into Canadian society. This year they celebrate 35 years of service to the community! The presentation will highlight inclusive HR practices that allow DIVERSEcity hire the best and the brightest. Additionally, we will elaborate on programs that DIVERSEcity offers and introduce their premiere event – the Cultural DIVERSEcity Awards. We will share lessons about how your organization can embrace the values of cultural diversity in the workplace.

HR professionals looking to gain insight into inclusive workplaces will benefit from this presentation.

· Gain knowledge about community services
· Gain insight into inclusive HR practices that work
· Learn about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Workplaces
· Learn about the Cultural DIVERSEcity Awards and how your organization can get involved

About presenter: Farah Kotadia is the Director of Human Resources and Communications for DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society. Her portfolio includes Human Resources, Labour Relations, Internal/External Communications, Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Special Events. For the past six years, she has been the Event Manager for the Cultural DIVERSEcity Awards – an annual gala which was created by DIVERSEcity in 1995 as a way to recognize businesses that embrace the values of cultural diversity in the workplace.

Farah has over 16 years of experience in HR in the hi-tech, healthcare, hospitality, education and non-profit sectors. Her education includes a BA in Communications, a Certificate in HR Management, a Trainer Development Certificate and an MBA with a specialization in HR. She is actively involved in the Community, most recently serving as President of AMSSA (the Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC). She has written articles for HRMA’s PeopleTalk publication, as well as the Canadian Immigrant Magazine and has appeared on Global BC’s Saturday Morning News, RJ1200 and News 1130 to promote the Awards event.

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