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BC HRMA Diversity Roundtable – Diversity Impacts Our Point of View

Submitted by on December 10, 2012 – 7:13 amNo Comment | 2,208 views

Where: BC HRMA’s office
When: January 3, 2013 5:30pm – 7:15pm

Please join us for our first in 2013 Diversity Roundtable with expert in inclusion and leadership Randy Kennett. A great deal of our diversity is routed in our thought process, as beliefs that determine our actions and decisions, which then influence effective or ineffective behaviours and communications. Team dysfunction can be caused by faulty data in our thoughts , fueled by faulty beliefs, stereotypes, and prejudgments. Open communication can help teams to uncover the truth, overcome biases, and support greater understanding of different perspectives, positively impacting team effectiveness.

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