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Barj Dhahan Calls for More Actions from Government to Make Canada’s Leadership More Diverse

Submitted by on February 7, 2013 – 7:24 amNo Comment | 3,530 views

In Feb 6th Vancouver Sun, Barj Dhahan made an effort to raise awareness about lack of diversity in Canada’s leadership positions:

“Last month, Kathleen Wynne became Ontario’s premier after winning that province’s Liberal leadership race. There are now six women premiers in Canada. While it is a great sign of our progress on the path to gender parity in Canadian politics, there continues to be a general lack of diversity in that arena. Today, only 25 per cent of our provincially and federally elected officials are women, and less than seven per cent are from ethnic minorities.

A similar critique can be made about government appointments to Canada’s agencies, boards, and commissions. Each year, governments across Canada appoint thousands of people to serve on the boards of agencies such as Crown corporations, health authorities and post-secondary institutions. These boards make important decisions that affect all Canadians. It is therefore crucial that they represent the perspectives of the diverse citizens that they serve. Yet, an analysis of Canada’s board appointments indicates a surprising lack of diversity.  …”  Full article

Source: Vancouver Sun, Feb 6th. Work is needed to make Canada’s leadership diverse, inclusive by Barj Dhahan

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