Articles by Olga Scherbina
Community of Practice Event – April 30, 2013 – Vancouver, BC by the Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion
Part of the CIDI mandate is to bring together Diversity and Inclusion practitioners, and other interested stakeholders to share, networking and learn. These events are held quarterly in 5 major cities across Canada.
Schedule: Tuesday April …
Google supports journalists in the Arab world with training on how to use the internet to tell better informed stories
Google, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the World Bank Institute jointly organized a unique digital journalism training for Arab journalists
The training involved 24 young passionate journalists who are committed to help reinvent the …
NEW CIDI REPORT: What Gets Measured Gets Done: Measuring the Return on Investment of Diversity and Inclusion
CIDI has recently published its first report. Research was conducted through a comprehensive literature review, an examination of Canadian organizations’ diversity and annual reports, a review of the websites of every employer on the Canada’s …
Geographic Segregation in the States: The More Diverse a Metro Is, the More Segregated It’s Likely to Be
Think about 1970. Which metro do you think was the least segregated? Which was the most segregated?
Those distinctions go to Spartanburg, South Carolina, and Wausau, Wisconsin, respectively. In that same year, 21 percent of Spartanburg’s …
Symposium: Current Practices and Trends in the Field of Diversity, Inclusion and Intercultural Communication – May 17, 2013

Intercultural Studies Spring Institute 2013
Join a one-day annual symposium organized by the Centre of Intercultural Communication, UBC on the present-day trends and challenges diversity practitioners encounter as they raise awareness and build capacity in classrooms, …