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Art, Science & Spirituality: An integrated, holistic approach to diversity and social change.

Submitted by on March 17, 2015 – 5:29 amNo Comment | 3,224 views

About: “Diversity and social change efforts are essentially, well … about change. And those that take on this work are often passionate committed people who give 110% of themselves to the cause. Is it even possible to give more than 100%? And what happens when they do? What does this look like?

Through deep, collective conversations we will make links to science and spirituality, and discover what leadership, transition and change, and personal care have to do with moving diversity initiatives forward. Join me for this dynamic, interactive presentation as we explore the multiple factors that influence diversity and social change – like a puzzle, together we’ll put the pieces together to reveal the whole.”- Indy Batth

Venue: New York Institute of Technology, #1700- 701 Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC. Time: 6:30- 9:00PM.

Fee: Free for SIETAR BC members, $5 for students, $8 for general public. Kindly RSVP your attendance to info@sietar.bc.ca by March 31, 2015.

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