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Vote for Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Awards

Submitted by on March 3, 2009 – 10:00 pmNo Comment | 1,523 views

Vote at the Canadian Immigrant Magazine Online!

What is Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2009 all about?

Answer: Our Top 25 Canadian Immigrants is a peoples’ choice award that recognizes newcomers who have made a difference to Canada. Whether it’s a community advocate or volunteer, a successful entrepreneur or a cultural icon, this is the first Canadian national award program that recognizes immigrants’ achievements from all walks of life.

When immigrants leave their home country, they also leave behind their role models. Now in Canada, they need new positive role models — by recognizing Canada’s top immigrants we are providing an entire nation of newcomers with such positive examples. The selected 25 immigrants will enthuse and motivate all immigrants as they establish their new life and home in Canada.

Question: What is the theme of this year’s Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2009?

Answer: For our inaugural year, the theme of Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2009 is all about celebrating immigrants who are giving back and contributing to the fabric of Canada. We’ve called for nominees who have come to Canada, personally excelled and now have made a difference in their new country. Each year, we’ll have a theme for the Top 25 Canadian Immigrants people’s choice awards, which will reflect the many positive ways that newcomers have enriched our nation.


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