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2015 Overwaitea Food Group and UFCW Local 1518 Joint Diversity Scholarship

Submitted by on February 28, 2015 – 8:04 amNo Comment | 2,621 views

Up to ten $1,000 scholarships are available and will be awarded to applicants who have promoted diversity awareness and acceptance in their in their community and have not previously received the Joint Diversity Scholarship. This scholarship is available to students who are BC residents and are going to be pursuing post-secondary education at an accredited institution in the fall of 2015. Students in all stages of their education are eligible. Applications must be received by May 1, 2015.

*Some examples of activities that promote diversity awareness and acceptance include:

Participating in clubs that promote cooperation between cultures.
Volunteering with organizations to assist persons with disabilities.
Assisting programs that support seniors.
Helping new Canadians learn about their neighborhood.
Fundraising to support diversity awareness (e.g., cultural awareness, homelessness, elder care, etc.).

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