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Trudeau says it’s time to recognize anti-black racism exists in Canada

Submitted by on February 13, 2018 – 6:43 amNo Comment | 1,677 views

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says it’s time Canadians acknowledge that racism and unconscious bias against black people exist in this country.

He called for action to ensure equal opportunity and treatment of the more than one million black Canadians, including doing more to recruit and elect black members of Parliament.

Trudeau made the comments Monday in a short speech at a reception marking Black History Month at the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Que.

Two weeks ago, Trudeau announced that Canada is officially recognizing the United Nations’ International Decade for People of African Descent, which emphasizes the need for research and data collection to better understand the challenges facing black communities around the globe.

Trudeau said advocacy groups have complained about the over-representation of black people in prisons and about insufficient support for those with mental health issues.

Source: Globe and Mail.
Read full article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-black-history-month-1.4533194

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