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The Intercultural Innovation Award

Submitted by on May 6, 2019 – 12:10 pmNo Comment | 1,265 views

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 1.02.54 PMThe United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group launched the call for applications of the sixth edition of the Intercultural Innovation Award. Grassroots initiatives that encourage intercultural understanding through innovative methods, with the aim of alleviating identity-based conflicts around the world, are encouraged to apply online at interculturalinnovation.org. This year, the deadline for applications is 31 May, at 5:00 PM EDT.

Following a competitive process, ten organizations will be selected to receive the Intercultural Innovation Award. Based on their needs, recipients will receive a monetary grant to help their projects expand and replicate (total funding available in 2019: USD 100,500).

They will also benefit from a one-year mentoring program, which will include capacity-building training in a multitude of areas, from communications to fundraising and project management. Recipients of the Intercultural Innovation Award will also become members of Intercultural Leaders, an exclusive skill and knowledge-sharing digital platform for civil society organizations and young leaders working in the field of intercultural dialogue.

For more information, visit interculturalinnovation.org.