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Articles tagged with: voting

S.U.C.C.U.S.S. Provincial Election Hotline for Chinese voters

May 8, 2013 – 9:09 am | 2,779 views

A S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Provincial Election Hotline has been set up to assist the Chinese community in Metro Vancouver to vote at the upcoming provincial election.
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. has been providing hotline services to voters during the general election …

Immigration status and voting patterns in Canada

May 7, 2013 – 9:30 am | 9,813 views

According to Statistics Canada: “Eligible immigrants have been shown to vote less than others in some studies (U.S. Census Bureau 2010; Milan 2005). Various reasons have been put forward to explain this, including the lack …