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Articles tagged with: skill shortages

Why A Mining Industry Needs A More Diverse Workforce

May 15, 2019 – 2:05 pm | Comments Off on Why A Mining Industry Needs A More Diverse Workforce | 1,111 views

The Canadian Mining Industry is in the early stages of recovering from an extended downturn. While companies are optimistic about their prospects, many will soon face a new challenge; the looming retirement crisis. The MiHR …

Mining companies target employees with a disability to increase diversity: Hays

May 15, 2018 – 1:57 pm | Comments Off on Mining companies target employees with a disability to increase diversity: Hays | 670 views

Mining companies are pursuing potential employees who have a disability as a new method for increasing workforce diversity, Hays’ latest analysis on recruitment trends has revealed.
Hays, in its December quarter report, said diversity remained a priority for mining …

An Inventory of BC’s Bridging Programs for Immigrant Professionals.

November 15, 2013 – 7:50 am | 1,350 views

DiversityCLUES Consulting was retained by  UBC – Centre for Intercultural Communication to conduct an environmental scan of BC’s bridging programs for internationally-trained professionals.
Project: Environmental Scan of BC’s Bridging Programs for Internationally-Trained Professionals
Client:  UBC, Continuing Education, Centre for …

Diversity in numbers – reasons for shortages in skilled labour

February 7, 2013 – 2:57 pm | 1,842 views

Did you know?
$20-billion lost in GDP: as a result of underemployment among immigrants to Canada. Immigrants are underpaid and underutilized and it costs our economy billions of dollars. (OECD).
320,000 new workers: this is how many …