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Symposium: Current Practices and Trends in the Field of Diversity, Inclusion and Intercultural Communication – May 17, 2013

Submitted by on April 18, 2013 – 4:57 pmNo Comment | 1,698 views

Symposium Program Schedule May 17, 2013 COVER

Intercultural Studies Spring Institute 2013

Join a one-day annual symposium organized by the Centre of Intercultural Communication, UBC on the present-day trends and challenges diversity practitioners encounter as they raise awareness and build capacity in classrooms, campuses, corporate and non-profit organizations. What approaches are trainers and practitioners using to support ongoing intercultural engagement among communities, recognizing barriers and strategizing ways to empower participants and organizations to embrace differences to create a more just and equitable society? Everyone is invited to attend and participate.

To learn more about the program and presenters and register

Symposium Program Schedule May 17, 2013

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