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Soft Skills Presentation to Skilled Immigrants

Submitted by on April 19, 2010 – 9:56 amNo Comment | 2,617 views

As a Founder of Diversity CLUES Consulting, Olga Scherbina was invited to present to over 20 immigrant-participants of Workplace English Program, a partnership between SFU and PICS.

Olga talked about her experience being an immigrant in Canada. She shared with participants about her journey to start her own business in the area of immigrant integration and what helped her and some of her clients in their journeys. “Resume is your tool to get an interview but it won’t get you a job” says Olga. “You need to remember that your presentation skills and your confidence in your abilities are much more important during the interview than your polished English and/or your exceptional educational achievements. Talk to the point when asked. Research your industry and company you are applying to and stand out as somebody who knows about recent industry trends and major and/or potential projects a company has. Build your business case why your skills and abilities are a great fit for the organization and it will benefit from hiring you”.

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