Home » Diversity Events


Submitted by on February 14, 2018 – 7:19 amNo Comment | 2,386 views

Listen. Learn. Vote.
Experts dispute the future of our region. You decide.
Teams of experts argue competing visions for solving Metro Vancouver’s biggest challenges. Audience members vote before and after each debate, a prize awarded to the team who changes the most minds. A monthly series moderated by David Beers, founding editor of The Tyee. Sponsored by Urbanarium and UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

This talk discusses how public places are designed and what people-friendly means? Do these spaces recognize the culture of people living here, the history of people who lived here? Is there a public space for everyone in this city? Are resources adequately distributed? Who is making decisions? How do we recognize differences? How does justice get distributed?

View video: https://urbanarium.org/vanplay-smart-city-talks-celebration-diversity-video

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