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SIETAR BC event: ‘Borrowed Body’ a Novel by Valerie Mason-John

Submitted by on February 13, 2014 – 10:41 amNo Comment | 2,254 views

SIETAR BC members and friends, please join us at our next free event!

Title: ‘Borrowed Body’ a Novel by Valerie Mason-John
Date: Thursday, February 27th
Time: 6:00PM to 8:30PM
Location: VPL – Oakridge Branch (191 – 650 West 41st Avenue Vancouver)

Please RSVP by February 25th to info@sietar.bc.ca

6:00-6:30pm Registration, Meet and Greet
6:30-7:00pm Launch of Borrowed Body-select readings from Queenie
7:00-8:00pm World Café
8:00-8:30pm Book Signing

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