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SIETAR BC 2015 Annual General Meeting

Submitted by on January 17, 2015 – 10:17 amNo Comment | 1,546 views

2015 Annual General Meeting will take place on January 27th, 2015 at Nuba in Kits @ 6p.m.
SIETAR BC was founded in 1992 as a not-for-profit entity incorporated under the laws of British Columbia. As part of the international SIETAR network, SIETAR BC aims to promote cooperative interaction and to build a network to provide mutual support and exchange of information a the local, regional, national and international regions.

More details:

Date: Tuesday, January 27th, 2015
When: 6 pm
Where: Nuba in Kitsilano, 3116 West Broadway

The dinner is $28 for members and $40 for non members.
Please RSVP to info@sietar.bc.ca.

If you have any dietary restrictions, please RSVP by January 25, 2015. Thank you.

For those of you who would like to pay your 2015 membership fees, the link to do so is as follows: http://www.sietar.bc.ca/membership_contact

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