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Shazay Urera: Interning with Diversity Clues

Submitted by on June 7, 2014 – 6:41 amNo Comment | 2,529 views

Shazay Urera is a fourth-year student at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. She is majoring in Geography and is especially interested in its human aspect. She aspires to do work in the field of urban planning and Geographic Information Systems in the future. Shazay is adept in the use of ArcGIS, a program that creates maps and is used to compile, analyze, and study geographic and spatial data. Two of her significant GIS projects include maps that depict the Aboriginal Identity population percentage in the Vancouver CMA and the knowledge of the English language and locations of ESL schools in Vancouver.

In the spring of 2014, Shazay was interning with Diversity Clues Consulting Inc. on the Cultural Awareness and Business Etiquette Training for Front-line Staff project. Shazay was tasked with the development of the maps to visually represent the distribution of six ethnic groups by neighbourhoods in the City of Richmond. Working on the project has enhanced her knowledge and consciousness of the city’s remarkable multiculturalism. Additionally, Shazay values the opportunity to have been able to produce maps that are not only visual representations of ethnic diversity, but can also be used to facilitate growth and improvement in other aspects of the city’s operations.

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