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Reflecting the Diversity of the City of Coquitlam

Submitted by on April 30, 2010 – 7:36 pmNo Comment | 2,503 views

Client: The City of Coquitlam, Community Planning
Funder: Federal Government
Project TimelineJanuary 2010 — April 2010
Area of ExpertiseProject Management / Stakeholder Collaboration / Inclusive Cities                                                                                                     Team membersOlga Shcherbyna as a project manager

The City of Coquitlam is in the final phases of preparing a Multicultural Strategic Plan (MSP). Financially supported by the Federal Government and the City of Coquitlam, the plan is intended to be a starting point for improving the way in which Coquitlam’s municipal and community systems respond to increasing cultural diversity.


One of the early actions of the Multiculturalism Strategic Plan will allow the City to undertake a comprehensive update of its photostock to reflect the increasing diversity of the community at work and play.

Diversity Clues Consulting Inc. was contracted to provide professional consulting services to develop this extensive photo library for the City. This includes hiring and supervising six photographers, liaising with city staff and venues staff. The goal of the project is to generate a substantial volume of municipal stock quality photos for use in City brochures, documents, leisure guides, and economic development materials, at Public Open Houses and in newspaper advertisements. It is also anticipated that this project will provide one more opportunity to allow the City to build stronger relationships with the residential and business communities. The photo shoots will be conducted over the course of February-March 2010 and will be executed in over 25 locations throughout the City both in civic facilities and in private businesses.

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