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BC HRMA Diversity Roundtable

Submitted by on November 4, 2011 – 7:30 pmNo Comment | 2,698 views

Olga Shcherbyna, a co-organizer of this roundtable invites you to attend our Diversity Roundtables at BC HRMA’s office on the first Thursday of the month at 1111 W. Pender St., Vancouver 5:30-7:30pm

Topic: Unlocking the potential of immigrants for business growth and innovation. 

Introduction: Research has shown that the role of immigrants has become more important for the Canadian economy. According to Statistics Canada, immigrants will be responsible for 100% of net labour force growth by 2011. However, in the last decade, newcomers have been facing challenges in finding jobs commensurate with their qualifications. Employers are facing skill shortages but still shy away from hiring foreign-trainedprofessionals. Recent study by Deloitte concluded that Canada «risks losing the growing global war for talent and… Canadian living standards are being threatened by outdated hiring practices that hamper business growth.»

Join us with Geoff Frost, for a lively discussion about fair hiring practices to screen and access new immigrants. Geoff will share his experience working as Job Developer and Recruiter and provide tips to HR professionals in their considering immigrant applicants equally with those with Canadian experience.

About the Presenter: Geoff Frost has extensive experience working as Recruiter and Job Developer for the last decade. He is skilled facilitator, coach and presenter. Geoff Frost is a Certified HR Professional (CHRP) and Career Development Practitioner (CCDP). Since arriving in Canada as a new immigrant over 35 years ago, Geoff spent the first 25 years developing a career in landscape and environmental management. It was here that he recognized the importance of taking a holistic approach to management in order to achieve sustainable results. After developing and operating his own company for ten years, Geoff decided it was time for a change. He went back to college and trained as an Employment Counselor. For the last ten years, Geoff has worked as a Recruiter, Job Developer and Industry Liaison in the Career Management field, most recently helping new immigrants integrate into the BC workplace. Having now received his HR professional designation and being certified to conduct the BarOnEQ-i, Geoff now provides Workshop Facilitation, Job Development/ Industry Liaison & Emotional Intelligence Assessment & Training Services to both individuals and organizations thereby helping to promote more emotionally intelligent workplaces.

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