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Olga Shcherbyna is one of the mentors at the Career Fair at VPL

Submitted by on December 12, 2013 – 1:50 pmNo Comment | 2,462 views

Immigrant Fair_Mentoring Session

Mentoring Session at Career Fair @ VPL

December 16 2013 from 12pm to 2pm

Olga Shcherbyna, along with Karen Milde, Meng Lee, Paola V. Murillo and Lily Chen will provide advice and share their experiences in navigating their professional careers in Canada. Mrs. Shcherbyna will share how her ability to establish relationships with potential employers / consulting clients helped her to build her own consulting company and do what she loves the most build the bridges between organizations, municipalities and community members working towards more inclusive and welcoming societies. Networking is a key to not only growing a business in Canada but finding a job. Without incorporating networking into their job search routines, job seekers are competing against hundreds and hundreds of other potential candidates. It is even more brutal for an immigrant job seeker. On the top of all the barriers that immigrants face in the labour market (language abilities, accents, foreign credentials, communication and soft skills, etc.) we do not have developed social and/or professional circles as those who were born in Canada; hence, we are at disadvantage to get “referenced” by a friend or former colleague.  Mrs. Shcherbyna developed a quiz that identifies a job seeker networking score and discovers the gaps in networking strategies.


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