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Immigration to Britain has not increased unemployment or reduced wages, UK study finds

Submitted by on March 1, 2015 – 7:21 amNo Comment | 3,066 views

Immigration to Britain has not increased unemployment or reduced wages, a major new study has concluded.

Researchers at the London School of Economics looked at the levels of immigration to each of Britain’s counties, and compared it to the unemployment rate in the same area across the same period.

They found that there was no connection between how much immigration a county had seen between 2004 and 2012 and the area’s level of unemployment.
The economists also specifically whether lower-skilled workers had seen their wages impacted, and whether migration a rise in young people out of work or training.

These areas were examined because popular perception is that migrant workers compete with the young for low wage jobs.

They said they found “no evidence” that the young or low skilled had been impacted, and called for further researcher in why anti-immigrant perceptions were still prevalent despite the evidence.

Full article

Source: The Independent, JON STONE, Friday 27 February 2015

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