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Immigrants as competitive advantage for Canadian companies

Submitted by on February 23, 2013 – 6:14 pmNo Comment | 1,974 views

… Kitchener, Ont.-based Brock Solutions, a developer of real time automation and control solutions, has been extensively involved with hiring new Canadians for the past 15 years.

“We have about 30 different languages spoken within our organization.” says Vivienne Ojala, president and CEO. “We tend to recruit actively from Canadian universities and colleges, many of which attract a lot of foreign students.”

That being said, the goal for organizations such as Brock Solutions is to ensure they create an environment to keep employees there for the long term. That’s why it’s important to take the time to properly screen international candidates because of the time and effort involved in training and onboarding, Ms. Ojala notes. “Someone may have a visa to work a year or two. But we’re not hiring for a two-year stint. We want people who are serious about staying in Canada.”

Source: Financial Post

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