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2015 BC’s Annual Immigrant Professionals Conference

Submitted by on February 26, 2015 – 9:32 amNo Comment | 3,348 views

The Conference will be held on March 21, 2015 at Hilton Metrotown Hotel from 8am to 4:30pm. The keynote is delivered by Iman Aghay, the founder of Success Road Academy which is the one of the largest Information Marketing Training Centers in the world and the largest in Canada. The Conference is a great networking and educational event for immigrants who are looking for jobs.

Iman Aghay is the founder of Success Road Academy which is the one of the largest Information Marketing Training Centers in the world and the largest in Canada. He harnesses the power of the Internet and combines it with effective in-person marketing to help business owners grow their companies, and professionals position themselves as the go-to experts in their fields.

Keynote speaker: Iman arrived in Vancouver in 2009 with limited knowledge of English, no network and no job. After studying the most successful businesses in the world, he created a marketing system that combined the most effective marketing strategies used by those businesses. He started his own company, applied his system and in a very short time:

Founded Vancouver Business Network, which became the fastest-growing business network in Vancouver in 2010, 2011 and 2012 and has over 4,000 members today
Founded the largest information marketing training centre in Canada, “Success Road Academy” with over 10,000 attendees to its events in the past 3 years
Taught his system and helped thousands of people to build successful businesses for themselves. Today he has clients from Courtney, Canada to Sidney, Australia.

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