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IMMIGRANT EXPO coming to VANCOUVER Career, Education & Settlement Fair for Immigrants

Submitted by on December 12, 2013 – 12:56 pmNo Comment | 3,015 views

CF_Vancouver Logo(Vancouver, November 13, 2013) — After three successful fairs in Toronto, Canadian Immigrant magazine and Scotiabank are proud to present their fourth Career, Education and Settlement Fair for newcomers to Canada, this time in Vancouver, B.C.
The free, day-long immigrant expo will take place on Monday, December 16, 2013, at the Vancouver Public Library, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Every year, thousands of immigrants arrive in Metro Vancouver, with great ambitions for their family’s future. However, many of them face culture shock about the realities of Canadian living — from continuing education to obtaining employment to getting settled into day-to-day life. The goal of the fair is to inform and motivate new Canadians as they begin and continue their settlement journey. It aims to provide essential information and tips on job hunting, accreditation, upgrading of education, settling in and more.
“With a three-pronged approach of settlement, careers and education, our fair brings to life our mission to provide resources for new Canadians to succeed,” says Gautam Sharma, publisher of Canadian Immigrant.

Various exhibitor booths will be located in the open, main promenade and lower-level rooms of the amazing venue, featuring information about colleges, training, settlement resources and careers/employers.
In addition, there will be several interactive, speakers’ workshops led by experts in various fields of interest to new Canadians. Renowned diversity expert, former reporter and bestselling author Gobinder Gill will offer a keynote address on the “8 Key Steps to Getting Hired.” There will also be an interactive Accent Reduction Workshop with expert Andy Krieger. Other speakers will present discussions on foreign credentials, job search strategies, finances in Canada and more.
Other highlights include an onsite resumé clinic run by Immigrant Services Society of B.C., where attendees can seek one-on-one help on how to write Canadian-style resumés. There will also be speed mentoring sessions to help newcomers get some face-to-face advice from immigrants who have walked in their shoes and succeeded in Canada.
“Scotiabank is proud to be the presenting sponsor of the Canadian Immigrant Career, Education & Settlement Fair,” said Winnie Leong, Scotiabank’s Senior Vice President for the BC & Yukon Region. “We know that newcomers play a critical role in the Canadian workforce and economy, and this event provides newcomers with the tools and resources they need to begin building successful lives in Canada.”

A list of exhibitors, sponsors and more information can be found at
http://canadianimmigrant.ca/careerfairCF_Vancouver Logo

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