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Fewer than five per cent dispute that ‘people from many cultures contribute to the quality of urban life’

Submitted by on February 14, 2013 – 5:49 amNo Comment | 2,220 views

Lower Mainland residents are currently participating in the third Urban Futures Survey which aimes to investigate the importance of issues for local residents and help predicting what will be needs and desires for Vancouverites in the next decades. This is the third survey of this kind and this time it became possible thanks to support from Lambda Alpha International—the Society of Urban Land Economists—with the support of the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia, the City of Vancouver, the City of Surrey, the City of North Vancouver, Translink, and Vancity.Previous surveys informed the development of of the Livable Region Plan and the Choosing our Future program. The survey is administered by PlaceSpeak which provides a new unique online platform for resident consultations and attempts to reach out to 2,000 local residents through the survey.

According to Vancouver Sun: An overwhelming majority of Vancouver residents think the city’s ethnic diversity makes it a better place to live, according to a new online survey.Recent census data shows a slim majority of City of Vancouver residents are now non-white and nearly half speak a mother tongue other than English.But that doesn’t seem to bother Vancouverites, according to an online survey conducted by the research firm PlaceSpeak. Of more than 750 Vancouver residents surveyed, 91 per cent agreed “people from many cultures contribute to the quality of urban life” and 86 per cent agreed “cultural diversity makes my community a better place to live.”> Fewer than five per cent of residents disagreed with either statement, with the rest saying they were neutral.”

Take the survey

Source: Vancouver Sun, Nov 28, 2012. Vancouver residents happy with city’s diversity: survey

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