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Environmental Scan of Professional Immigrant Networks in BC

Submitted by on January 23, 2013 – 5:01 pmNo Comment | 12,966 views

Client: Vancouver Foundation, Immigrant Employment Council of BC (IEC-BC)
Project Timeline: 2012
Area of Expertise: Project Management / Stakeholder Collaboration / “Best Practice” Research / Immigrant Integration
Team members: Olga Shcherbyna, as a project manager and senior researcher

Diversity Clues was retained by the Immigrant Employment Council of BC to conduct an Environmental Scan of Professional Immigrant Networks in BC. The goal was to establish a baseline of understanding about these groups and identify the ways in which IEC-BC could collaborate with PINs.

The Immigrant Employment Council of British Columbia (IEC-BC) was established in 2008 as a project of the Vancouver Foundation with the goal to bring together key provincial stakeholders to improve immigrant economic outcomes in BC by providing employers with tools and resources to tap into immigrant talent. While employer engagement continues to be the primary focus for IEC-BC, the organization wanted to expand its knowledge about important stakeholders in BC’s immigrant labour market integration, the Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs), with the gaol of identifying ways for potential collaboration and knowledge sharing. Thus, IEC-BC commissioned Diversity Clues Consulting Inc. to conduct an environmental scan of Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs) in British Columbia.

1. Identify existing PINs and develop a database of immigrant networks
2. Discover best practices / success stories and challenges of immigrant networks
3. Explore PIN partnership opportunities with IEC-BC and other stakeholders

For more information contact Immigrant Employment Council of BC


Client: Vancouver Foundation
Project Timeline: 2012
Area of Expertise: Project Management / Stakeholder Collaboration / “Best Practice” Research / Immigrant Integration

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