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Dream big, make efforts and achieve big – a successful immigrant proclaims!

Submitted by on November 10, 2011 – 10:41 pmNo Comment | 2,321 views

“Robert Herjavec is the president of the Herjavec Group. He is most famous in Canada as a judge on CBC’s Dragon Den. In his recent article in Vancouver Sun he discussed why he and his family, while having an opportunity to live in any other country, did not leave Canada.

«Despite the fact that the Herjavecs were not a long-established family with connections to the country’s leaders, that we did not have a fat savings account or even a family car (my dad walked two miles each way to work every day to save bus fare), or that we did not live in a large and fancy house, it didn’t matter. We could dream big and, with effort and drive, we could achieve big. People born in Canada are not able to fully appreciate this distinction, and I understand this. They grow up without experiencing life in a country where your destiny is determined by the status of your birth more than the scope of your talents. In Canada, your social standing, race and religious beliefs are of no consequence compared with your ability, dedication and ambition.»”

Source: Directly quotes from Vancouver Sun Read full article

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