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Douglas Todd: Lessons from U.K. migration debate The rapid pace of immigration, not ethnic diversity, behind anti-immigration views, expert believes

Submitted by on November 27, 2014 – 6:50 amNo Comment | 2,087 views

Immigration is much more openly discussed in Europe than in Canada.

Yet there are many shared immigration trends between Europe and North America, especially in “gateway” cities such as Toronto, Metro Vancouver and London, England.

While most migration topics barely register in public, media and political discussion in Canada (except temporary foreign workers), polls show immigration has for two years been the No. 1 issue in Britain.

Almost every politician in Britain — of the left, right and centre — now weighs in on migration. One reason is the astonishing rise of the United Kingdom Independence Party, which seeks stricter controls.


Where is successful integration occurring in Britain?

The proportion of mixed-ethnicity households doubled between 2001 and 2011, Kaufmann says. “The fastest-growing group in England are those of mixed race who share English descent with the majority.”

Many second-generation immigrants are also integrating. “A significant share of the children of European immigrants and some of mixed-race background come to identify as white British, melting into the majority.”

Also, opposition to immigration is lower in neighbourhoods where a large share of minorities has been present for over a decade, giving people time to habituate to each other.

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