Diversity in numbers: 612 bands of aboriginal nations, on more than 2,600 reserves
“Why do we keep on letting new immigrants in as citizens and celebrate their ethnic diversity, and yet deny it to our own First Nations? Just look at all the Native diversity that Canada can boast of from coast to coast to coast! Why do we expect Native people to be one entity politically, socially and culturally? Why is anyone surprised that we are so diverse?”
Sure, there are similarities in the experience of people who live close to the land, in many respects still partially in the bush economy, but there are many complex differences as well. Linguistically, Canada has 50 viable aboriginal languages, but only three (Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut) are ranked as truly secure from extinction in the long-term. Each of those languages reflects the uniqueness of the landscape that it describes. Each of the cultures whose values find expression in those 50 languages has unique linguistic roots.
Source: Beacon News by by Mike Robinson Read Full Article
Tags: aboriginal, diversity, population