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BC HRMA’s Cultural Competency Toolkit – the development was managed by Diversity Clues

Submitted by on November 23, 2009 – 9:56 pmNo Comment | 2,122 views
In 2009 BC HRMA launched its first Employer Toolkit. Diversity Clues Consulting Inc. was managing the development and production of the Toolkit. It’s primary goal is “to improve organizational innovation and performance by increasing the cultural diversity of workplaces in British Columbia and Canada. This toolkit provides recruiters and hiring managers with the information required to go beyond cultural differences, and access the real skills and abilities of their skilled immigrant candidates and employees.
The guide is a compendium of resources about culturally competent sourcing, hiring & professional development practices.”

It is a map for how to recruit and integrate Internationally Trained Immigrants (ITI s) into the workplace in a “culturally competent way”, where recruiters:

  • understand and make allowances for  cultural differences of ITI s,
  • make an effort at each step of the  process to go beyond cultural differences and
  • give full possible consideration  to the real skills and abilities of ITI s.

It provides helpful culturally-competent suggestions at each stage of the recruitment process, including tips on job advertising, interview questions and selection process, as well as tips to recruiters on how to avoid typical communication pitfalls with ITI s. It contains useful resources such as where to get international credentials assessed  and which local organizations might help in tapping into an immigrant talent pool.


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