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B.C. apologizes for past discriminatory policies towards Chinese Canadians But no financial compensation, says Premier

Submitted by on May 16, 2014 – 6:30 amNo Comment | 3,318 views

The Province of British Columbia formally apologized to Chinese Canadians Thursday for historical wrongs and racism dating back to Confederation.

Premier Christy Clark read the apology into the legislature, which was supported by the Opposition NDP and other MLAs.

“On behalf of the Province of British Columbia, and on behalf of the entire legislative assembly, we sincerely apologize for the provincial government’s historical wrongs,” said Clark.

“We are sorry for the discriminatory legislation and racist policies enacted by past provincial governments. We will ensure that this never happens again.”

Chinese people in British Columbia were in the past denied basic human rights, like the right to vote, hold public office and own property. They were also subjected to imposed labour, education and employment restrictions, and as well as health and housing segregation.

– See more at: The Province of British Columbia formally apologized to Chinese Canadians Thursday for historical wrongs and racism dating back to Confederation.

Premier Christy Clark read the apology into the legislature, which was supported by the Opposition NDP and other MLAs.

“On behalf of the Province of British Columbia, and on behalf of the entire legislative assembly, we sincerely apologize for the provincial government’s historical wrongs,” said Clark.

“We are sorry for the discriminatory legislation and racist policies enacted by past provincial governments. We will ensure that this never happens again.”

Chinese people in British Columbia were in the past denied basic human rights, like the right to vote, hold public office and own property. They were also subjected to imposed labour, education and employment restrictions, and as well as health and housing segregation.

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Source: Richmond News/Vancouver Sun by Rob Shaw.  May 15, 2014

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