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Immigrant Talent Integration Project, Phase One

Submitted by on March 31, 2008 – 6:42 pmNo Comment | 1,740 views

Client: BC HRMA
Funder: BC’s Ministry of Economic Development
Project TimelineSeptember 2007 — March 2008
Area of ExpertiseProject Management / Stakeholder Collaboration / “Best Practice” Research / Service Gap Analysis / Inclusive Workforce Solutions / Immigrant Integration

The BC Human Resources Management Association (BC HRMA) and the BC Government’s International Qualifications Unit of the Ministry of Economic Development cooperated to carry out a comprehensive plan to increase immigrant professional labour market attachment within the BC HRMA’s 4,000 membership and 2,500 affiliates. Olga Scherbina was contracted as a Project Leader and Patrick Coady as a Project Coordinator/Facilitator.

Scope of Project: Building the team of consultants; supervising team members; liaising with the client; conducting three environmental scans: BC HRMA member services, identifying “Best Practices” in similar to BC HRMA business associations, identifying BC’s Immigrant Hiring Resources for HR practitioners; developing a set of recommendations to address the identified gaps; coordinating Advisory Group meetings.



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