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Cultural Awareness Training

Submitted by on November 27, 2014 – 6:26 pmNo Comment | 6,088 views

human-2944065_960_720DiversityClues Consulting was retained by the City of Richmond to develop and deliver custom-made training for City’s employees to improve their cultural awareness when delivering municipal services in Richmond. Over the period of 2014-2016, Olga and two associates delivered five 2-day training sessions to over 100 employees, including front line workers and management staff.

Project: Cultural Awareness and Business Etiquette Training for Front Line Workers
Client: City of Richmond
Project Timeline: 2014-2016

Area of Expertise: Project Management / Research / Curriculum Development / Training Materials Development / Training Delivery
Project Team: Olga Shcherbyna as a Project Manager, Researcher, Curriculum Developer and Trainer. Michael Yue and Pam Khinda – Curriculum Developers and Trainers.

City of Richmond clients come from diverse backgrounds. Their needs and expectations for service vary according to personal attributes (such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status, etc.), but are also shaped by their cultural heritage. This training course aims at helping city staff enhance their “cultural lens” when they serve the multicultural population in Richmond, adding value to their current service practices and protocols.

Improved cultural etiquette and awareness will help create a more welcoming and inclusive customer service environment for both city staff and clients. The training is 7-hour long and delivered in two half day modules. The training course includes homework materials (six info sheets exploring cultural dimensions for six cultural groups), experiential learning, small group discussions and a dialogue (sharing circle) with Cultural Advisors (Richmond’s residents and community members representing different ethnic groups).

Learn more about past DiversityCLUES Consulting projects

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