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New developments with Chinese language signs in Richmond

Submitted by on January 6, 2014 – 6:26 pmNo Comment | 3,853 views

Six months ago Richmond City council chose to do nothing about a petition protesting Chinese-dominant signs. Now one of its committees is suggesting “any wording on business signage and/or city documentation prominently include the English language.” Where will this issue go from here?

People around the world, from Europe to East Asia, took note when Richmond City council decided six months ago to ignore protests against the expansion of Chinese-only and Chinese-dominant signs in its municipality of 200,000.

But some brave council members, including Chak Au, who was an assistant professor at the Chinese University in Hong Kong before immigrating to Canada, think it’s time to re-examine the controversy.

Au said council’s new tentative strategy calls for city signs to prominently include English is evidence the matter is being viewed as a priority.

Source: Vancouver Sun, October 2, 2013. Full article

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