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Geographic Segregation in the States: The More Diverse a Metro Is, the More Segregated It’s Likely to Be

Submitted by on April 19, 2013 – 5:27 amNo Comment | 1,791 views

Think about 1970. Which metro do you think was the least segregated? Which was the most segregated?

Those distinctions go to Spartanburg, South Carolina, and Wausau, Wisconsin, respectively. In that same year, 21 percent of Spartanburg’s residents were black while 10 (total, not percent) of Wasau’s residents were black. Forty years later, it’s a different story. Milwaukee, with 17 percent black residents, is the most segregated metro area, and Missoula, Montana, is the least, with just 1 percent black residents.

Source: The Atlantic Cities,

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