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The Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra – the only one in Canada

Submitted by on April 10, 2013 – 5:04 amNo Comment | 2,152 views

I was browsing internet to find some interesting information about inter-cultural groups in BC and came across this wonderful group/organization that is called the Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra which brings together 24 musicians, some of whom received classical training in European/Western music with others being performers in the musical traditions of cultures from all over the world (Asian, African, East Indian and Middle Eastern, among others).

The Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra’s mission is to act as a forum for the creation of a new musical art form, one in which all of Canada’s resident cultures can take part. Through composition, performance and educational outreach to both music professionals and the general public, the VICO serves as a voice for Canadian composers and musicians of diverse backgrounds, and fosters the creation of musical works that fuse and transcend cultural traditions.

See their upcoming performances and training events VICO

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