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What is the problem with Pink Shirt Day?

Submitted by on February 27, 2013 – 6:41 pmNo Comment | 864 views

According to Georgia Straight: ” British Columbia Parents and Teachers for Life posted a “warning to parents” email bulletin on their website on Tuesday (February 26) that the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation “is still using the day to promote a pro-homosexual message” and “is only one of the events the BC Teachers’ Federation plans to use for pro-homosexuality indoctrination”.

The day, held on February 27 in B.C., encourages people to wear pink shirts to show their support to counter bullying and discrimination such as homophobia.”

As a parent of a six-year old who goes to public school I am a bit puzzled by BC’s Parents and Teachers for Life’s concerns. How does wearing a pink shirt “encourages” my six-year old to feel something else than he is feeling towards girls or boys? It is not a promotion of “homosexuality” it is what it is – raising awareness and combat bullying. Yes, we all know that kids which look or act differently than “they are expected by” their peers get bullied. Some of these teenagers are homosexual and constant discriminatory remarks affect their self-confidence and make them “stay in the closet” for much longer. Raising awareness does not produce more gays or less. People are born with certain inclinations in their sexual preferences. Creating the culture of acceptance just allow young people to be content with who they are. Period.

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